Anyone following my Twitter knows that I’ve been coming out as a bit of a political junkie. I’ve hesitated being too open about this in the past because I wasn’t sure how it would go over.

But, as I try and communicate more and be more personal and not just this unknown entity producing books, I started to feel dishonest. Plus, being someone who doesn’t really love sharing personal woes, it left me with little to talk about.

The next couple of manuscripts I’m working on are not just the romance and sex but also are thrillers and political. So I don’t think my punditry would’ve remained in the closet long either way. So I come out now as a liberal. Progressive. Card-carrying member of the ACLU.

Okay, there are no cards. I lied about that part. But I do make yearly donations.

Now, I don’t mind debating my beliefs. I enjoy political discussions, particularly over dinner with a bottle of wine to lubricate the conversation, so long as everyone can agree to disagree and go home as friends. What I get, on occasion, is, “This is America, love it or leave it.”

Here’s the thing. I live in a nice house that I like. If the roof springs a leak, I don’t enjoy the deluge or move out. I try to fix the leak.

That’s the point of all of this. Everyone has their own idea of how to fix the leak, or even different ideas on what would be an attractive addition to the house. Since we all share the house, we have to work out a compromise. It isn’t always pretty. In fact, sometimes it’s downright ugly and no one’s happy with it (o hai Citizens United!) But it’s still ours and even if it embarrasses me or makes me feel downright ill (indefinite detention anyone?) it’s still a nice house and worth repairing.

4 thoughts on “Love it or leave it

  1. As someone who has also been political in her past. Try ex-Councillor and past State President of a minor political party, I sympathise with your plight about “coming out”.

    I like your comments about the leaky roof of a shared house. Good analogy.

    Part of the problem is the average Joe Blow doesn’t want to know and at the other end of the spectrum is the in-fighting amongst those that are political (often worse amongst those in the same party).

    The alternative, apathy is worse though.

    Good luck!

    1. I’ve never run for anything. I’m too barbed, I think. If there’s a Minister of Snark position, I’d be a shoe in.

      There is such a minority of people who vote or are even paying attention. And a lot of those who aren’t involved are the ones who say love it or leave it. Which is really more of a reflection on their mindset (don’t bother me with this crap) than an interest in deportation.


      Yeah, the infighting is horrid. Liberals here are their own worst enemies. Much like the Republicans are currently their own worst enemies. At least it’s entertaining. To me, anyway. Maybe to more people as it gets wackier and wackier.

      1. I often wonder if some of this infighting in minor parties is instigated by moles working on behalf of the major parties. But then again I’m a conspiracy theorist from way back.

        Interesting to see that Romney is doing so well. Being a corporate raider from way back, does that mean he’ll split off all the government enterprises (and programs) and sell them to the highest bidder or private company that’s willing to take on the contracts? That’s how those private equity guys usually work. Sell off all the good stuff and then refloat the rump.

  2. Hm, could be moles, though I suspect that it’s just the usual problem with getting more than two people in a room. There’s always going to be a difference somewhere and once there is one, someone gets their back up and it all goes to hell.

    Romney, well, I wouldn’t characterize him as doing well, just not as poorly as the others. He has a huge uphill battle on a number of fronts, but eventually the Republicans will have to settle on someone. Huntsman’s the more electable of the crew, but he’s not being aggressive enough. Rumor is that he’s using this as a dry run for 2016.

    As far as I can tell, privatization of successful government enterprises is the goal of all of the Republicans. And even some Democrats if they can find a way to profit from it. Having worked in both private and public sectors, I can tell you that the problem of inefficiency is pretty much the same. At a certain girth, any organization is going to suffer officiousness and failures of management. The difference being that private sector can write off the problems and public becomes open record–and also front page news.

    There is far less accountability in the private sector, which is why for profit healthcare is so slap dash and scary. At least with the public sector, you get a vote now and then.

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