I was going to post an excerpt here, but it’s the part in the free sample pdf, which is very yay! I’m terribly excited and hope you all are too. Thanks for helping me along this trek and encouraging (or discouraging) me when I need it 🙂
From the site:
“Prepare for a new type of fairy tale. Not only are they guaranteed to get you into bed. though not for sleep, you won’t find a single of those old-fashioned stereotypical characters.
Instead enter a world where a magic cock ring can grow into a mighty peenstalk, or an unhappy shepherd can meet the sexiest wolf imaginable. A Japanese youth with the strength of a bear finds himself weak in the face of a beautiful samurai, and a young man in a ball gown can charm a prince to distraction. These are but a few of the adventures that await you, once upon a time!”
holy frick, woman–another book?? already?? you are my newest hero! *gurgle* sounds titillating in the best way, your new collection does.
LOL! No, it’s an anthology I’ve got a short story in 🙂 It’s not all mine!