Normally I don’t publicize my comings and goings, partially because I’m lazy but also because I worry that too much knowledge will tempt people to break into my home and steal my cats. Since my husband will be home with a loaded shotgun, I’m not as worried about admitting that I will be at GayRomLit this year.

That’s right, I’m packing up Thursday Euclid and we will venture forth in a rented car (hopefully a Charger!) with an audiobook version of The Passage to listen to along the way. I’m hoping to stop through Roswell to seek some Truth Out There. Then I will be in the ABQ seeking much alcohol and frolic (I’m kind of a frolicaholic, so don’t let me get too crazy.)

This isn’t my first convention, but it is my first one as an author, so be gentle.


p.s. I’ll have some pretty Jett & Goldie postcards and also Luke & Marshall!

4 thoughts on “Coming soon, to a GRL near you

  1. Have fun and message me sometime what it was really like! I’m wondering whether it’s worth the airfare from Australia to attend. I know a couple of Aussie authors are going.

  2. You know I’m going to say that it is so that I can trick you to coming here 🙂 But seriously, I’ll ping ya.

    1. Thanks. Of course it depends where it is. I must admit New Mexico didn’t exactly inspire me to come. Seattle. Yeah. Minneapolis. Yeah San Francisco. Yeah. Boston. Yeah. See what you can do…..

      1. Minneapolis? Like… Minnesota? Hm, that may be one place in the US I haven’t been. New Mexico is okay but I don’t know why Albuquerque when there’s Santa Fe. Might be a problem of scale. Seattle and San Francisco might be expensive and that may be why ABQ. This is the second one and it’s down south so maybe north-ish for the next one. I think they’ll announce on Thursday. I always want it to come to Austin so I can be lazy, but it’s expensive here, too.

        Maybe Connecticut, then you can take the train into NYC and not be totally broke trying to stay in $500/night shoeboxes.

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