So, like many ebook writers/publishers, my work is being pirated. It’s not in my nature to get overexcited about this, as I have a day job so I’m able to pay my bills. Plus, the majority of my scribblings are available for free online already. You could be quite tired of me as a writer long before you approach work you have to pay for, but I do appreciate anyone who throws a couple of bucks at keeping up with my newer work.
Part of me is pleased at at least my writing is being read. I write mostly for myself, but I put it out there to be shared, to entertain, maybe even enlighten if I’m really on my game. On the other hand, it is my dream to someday shake off this day job to lose myself in new worlds of my own construction. In this limbo, I simply don’t have the time or concentration necessary to dedicate to that.
However, there are a lot of writers who do count on their royalty checks and advances to put food on their table, pay their mortgage or rent—to live on.
I’m not blogging to judge anyone who pirates. That would be extremely hypocritical. I’m definitely guilty of being between jobs and mooching music and movies. But, if the entertainment touched me, when I had a job, I’d pony up a few bucks to have a legal copy. So, if a story touches you, please consider throwing a couple of sheckles to the author by purchasing the ebook.
i admire your philosophical restraint, clancy. i’m not so calm, just hearing now about this piracy. shame on those who commit this thievery. i know you feel compassion for those who do this wrong, and feel that sharing art is more important than keeping strict account–but to me, the principle is the thing.
very few artists can support themselves by their creative efforts, and those who believe stealing one story won’t affect the way of things only disrespect those who do toil and sweat to create a story worth enjoying.
i’m preachy, and i hate that. i’ll leave it at, “i’m pissed off about thieving.” 🙁
It really is a thorny issue. I’m probably angrier on behalf of others who get stolen from, who are really trying to make ends meet with their writing. Another author with an epublisher I do business with, Aleksandr Voinov, did a little experiment that I thought was pretty interesting. He released a story on Smashwords with the option to pay or not pay. Similar to the experiment Radiohead did with In Rainbows. He found that in the end, he made about the same amount as he would if he’d charged what he thought the story was worth.
That said, I think there’s less a sense of feeling violated if you’d offered something for free and people take it than if they forcibly steal it.