So thrilled that Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars made an impressive showing as a finalist in the highly competitive 2016 Rainbow Awards: Best Gay Contemporary Romance (The William Neale Award)

Rainbow Award Finalist

It seemed like a longshot—a story about a bear who goes onto a competitive cooking show to win a grand prize of touring with and cooking for a foodie rock star. It combines a lot of things that Thursday Euclid and I love: food, music, and love for those who don’t have rock hard abs.

We poured a lot of love into those characters and the book. I’m tickled that others enjoyed it.

Thanks to Elisa Rolle for organizing the Rainbow Awards and all of the judges. The fees to enter go directly to charity, and I was proud to enter Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars and give to Trans Lifeline who, after this election, is in great need of more donations. There was a huge spike in calls, so if you can, please give. You may also volunteer.

If you’re interested in reading Wyatt’s Recipes for Wooing Rock Stars, it is available FREE on Kindle Unlimited.